I’ve seen a white bird. Is this an albino bird?

It is possible to come across birds that are albino or leucistic. An albino bird lacks melanin and as a result, will have completely white plumage and pink or red eyes. Meanwhile, a leucistic bird has a genetic mutation which stops some pigments (like melanin) from being properly deposited in feathers. Leucistic birds will have coloured eyes and either be pale in colour overall or have patches of reduced colouring.

Sightings of albino and leucistic birds do occur in Ireland. Leucistic and albino blackbirds are not that unusual, for example. However, it is difficult for us to say for sure whether or not you have spotted an albino/ leucistic bird without seeing it for ourselves. We encourage you to send images of any unusual sightings like this to us by emailing info@birdwatchireland.ie.